Collins University

Student Support Center

Academic Advising Center

The Academic Advising Center at Collins University provides personalized guidance and support to students, helping them navigate their academic journey and make informed decisions about their educational goals.

  • Ongoing and consistent advising sessions
  • Selecting courses that align with your degree plan
  • Answering degree program inquiries
  • Pairing and sequencing courses
  • Managing course loads
  • Resolving issues

Student Support Service

Collins University is committed to providing comprehensive student support services to ensure a positive and enriching educational experience for all students. The university offers a range of support services designed to address the diverse needs of students and foster their academic success, personal development, and well-being.

The Student Support Services at Collins University include:

  1. Academic Advising: 

  2. Tutoring and Learning Resources

  3. Career Services

  4. Counseling and Mental Health Services

  5. Disability Support Services

  6. Student Organizations and Activities

  7. Health and Wellness Programs

  8. Financial Aid and Scholarships

To know more ?

Student Resolution

At Collins University, student resolution processes are in place to address concerns, disputes, and issues that may arise during a student’s academic journey. The university is committed to fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment and provides avenues for students to seek resolution and support when facing challenges.

The student resolution process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Informal Resolution: In many cases, students are encouraged to first attempt an informal resolution by discussing the issue with the relevant faculty member, advisor, or staff member. This allows for open communication and an opportunity to find a mutually satisfactory solution.

  2. Formal Complaint Process: If the issue remains unresolved through informal means or if the concern is of a more serious nature, students may initiate a formal complaint process. The university typically has a designated office or department responsible for handling formal complaints, such as the Office of Student Affairs or the Student Resolution Center.

  3. Submission of Complaint: Students will be required to complete a complaint form or submit a written statement detailing the nature of the issue, supporting evidence, and desired outcome. The complaint should be submitted within the specified timeline and follow any guidelines outlined by the university.

  4. Investigation and Review: Once the complaint is received, the university initiates an investigation or review process to gather information, interview involved parties, and assess the situation. This step ensures a fair and objective evaluation of the concerns raised.

  5. Resolution and Outcome: Based on the findings of the investigation, the university works towards a resolution that is fair and reasonable for all parties involved. The resolution may involve mediation, disciplinary action, policy changes, or any other appropriate measures deemed necessary to address the concern.

  6. Appeals Process: In certain cases, students may have the option to appeal the resolution outcome if they believe the decision was unfair or insufficient. The appeals process typically follows specific guidelines and may involve a separate committee or review board.

Throughout the student resolution process, confidentiality and privacy of student information are upheld to maintain trust and protect individuals involved. The university aims to ensure transparency, fairness, and timely resolution to create a supportive and respectful learning environment for all students.

It’s important to note that the specific student resolution processes may vary from one institution to another. At Collins University, students are encouraged to refer to the official university resources, policies, and procedures to obtain accurate and up-to-date information regarding the student resolution process.